Friday, August 10, 2012

My Baby Horse

Quite a lot and quite little has been going on for me this summer. Honestly, I can hardly wait for school to start again. Anyhow, I thought I should provide a brief update.

After being in some state of sickness - either better or worse, depending on the day - for more than a week, I found myself browsing craigslist, looking at horses. (I swear I was only looking!) One post had caught my eye when I had been "just looking" on previous days, and I found myself looking at the post again on this occasion. The pictures of a little paint horse stared at me through the screen and my heart nudged my brain, and my brain nudged my body, and before I knew I was calling the number in the ad to set up a time to see the horse.

The same day I went out to where he was located in Petaluma; and I fell in love! I made arrangements with the trainer of the barn I have been working at - also in Petaluma - and had him trailered there the next day. It quickly dawned on me, even in my tired, under-the-weather brain, that I might have been just a little impulsive and crazy for buying a horse in a matter of two days. But when you get a strong feeling about something, as I did about this horse, it almost seems wrong to me not to check it out.

I have now had him for about a month, and I love him to pieces! He is only 16 months old, so no riding for quite a while, but he is sweet as can be, so intelligent, and easy going.

Sometimes one feels an immediate connection with an animal or another person. This is what I feel with my new baby horse, Leonardo. (Leo for short) I hope to have him around for as long as he lives and will be taking him with me on my caravan adventure across the U.S. He may not be able to pull the wagon, but he's my friend, so I want him right beside me. Not to mention doing a little riding while the carriage horses pull the wagon. :)

Now that I have a rabbit (Little Miss Ellie Snowpea) and a horse, I have been told that I must not buy any more animals until my trip. I must say, I did not intend to have pets while in college, but they found their way to me anyway. And I am so happy that they did!

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