Friday, April 27, 2012

These beginning processes are so difficult because it feels like maybe nothing will come of my dream for this adventure. Perhaps I need to ease off a little and let the project grow on its own while I take care of school and work during this semester and the ones to follow... But there's so much to be done!

I suppose it is especially hard because I would like to see something concrete, some aspect being turned real so that I know it is going to happen; but right now is not the time for that.

I wish I knew how all of the pieces were going to come together, but that is the beautiful mystery of the future, I suppose.

The Planning

A few months ago I had the most amazing idea come to me, with some inspiration from my dear Mom, over breakfast. It is a life adventure that combines exploration, learning, and writing. At the end of my undergraduate schooling, when I have earned my B.A., I plan to take a horse-drawn Gypsy caravan across the U.S. A portion of this journey will take place on the American Discovery trail, which begins in Point Reyes in California and ends on the coast of Delaware (or starts in Delaware and ends in California, depending on your perspective). It is also my intention to journal and blog through the entire journey, beginning with this - the planning! Ultimately, I would like to write and publish a novel of my experiences. 

I would like to begin with a list of (1) things that I already know and (2) things I need to learn:

Already Known

  1. How to handle a horse
  2. General care for a horse
  3. How to ride a horse (this may not be completely necessary, but     hey, the more in my favor from the start, the better)
  4. How to read a map
  5. How to write :p
  6. Simple wood-working skills
  7. How to cook

Need to Learn

  1. How to drive a horse-drawn wagon
  2. How to care for self and horses in extreme weather
  3. How to shoe horses
  4. More advanced wood-working skills
  5. How to cook with limited space and cooking ware
  6. How to chop wood...(I think I can figure this out pretty easily)
  7. Alternate trail routes passable with wagon and where horses are allowed
  8. Places to stop to resupply
  9. How often will I need to resupply
  10. How far can the horses and I reasonably travel in a day
  11. How much food and water will the horses need each day
  12. How much food and water will I need each day
  13. How to milk a goat or miniature cow, and prepare the milk (if I choose to bring one)
  14. Places to stay at night or in bad weather