It was my intention to write two more posts in the last week. However, last Friday, September 7th, I had my first jumping lesson in at least seven years after only riding dressage all that time. To my great dismay, halfway through the lesson as I directed Donnie, the horse I was riding, over the jump, we got terribly out of sync! I was already slightly behind where I should have been to go with him; then he added an extra stride and leaped over the jump... I was bounced right out of the saddle!
Perhaps if I had hung on a little longer the fall would have been different. But I can ask myself "ifs" all day long. The fact is, I fell hard on my lower back, knocking the air from my lungs and sending shooting, spasming pain throughout my back. I laid on the ground for several minutes, struggling to get my breath back, then moving my toes and fingers to make sure nothing was broken, nothing paralyzed.
After struggling to my feet and stretching my back out, I decided to get back on and jump a few more times despite the intense pain I was feeling. This was probably a bad idea on my part... I thought my back was just bruised, just in shock from the fall and the movement of the horse would help.
Well, this was Friday. I went to see my chiropractor on Monday. In a very short amount of time she concluded that it was very possible that one of the vertebrae in my back had suffered a fracture. That was shocking, to say the least. Here I was, having maneuvered myself around the house all weekend - in pain, yes, but moving - and there was a possibility that I had a bone fracture!
I went yesterday, Tuesday, to get an x-ray. And sure enough, my L1 vertebrae in my lower back has a compression fracture from the fall. It is considered mild and stable, so there is no worry of it shifting into my spinal cord and causing paralysis, thank goodness. However, it will continue to be painful for the next 6 to 8 weeks as the bone heals. Also, I will not be able to ride for that time either, which is a total bummer.
I just keep telling myself that this is what my body needs. Chiropractic appointments every week, and riding lessons will come later. In the meantime, I will try some herbal pain relievers and spend time with my baby horse, Leo. And maybe now that the trauma is over I will actually write the new posts I have been planning!