Going to the craft store to stock up on supplies was quite fun; almost like I was preparing for the trip itself!
I purchased popsicle sticks, balsa wood, a hot glue gun and extra hot glue sticks, metal wire, and, on a later craft store expedition, wooden wheels, dowels, tiny hinges and other small hardware, as well as a mat for use as a cutting surface. In addition to my purchased items, I have used scrap cloth, sewing needles, and thread to make the mattress and cushions for my wagon. (The cushions are still in progress.)
The project has been ongoing, with large breaks for school work, but progress continues to be made! I have also learned a fair amount about modeling during this project. For one thing, using a hand-saw is hard work! Also, not having the proper tools causes one to become very creative; or at times, very annoyed.
As I was building I tried to imagine living in a real wagon, and therefore what would be a most useful set-up. Where could I put in storage, how might a small pull-out table fit in, what should be seating and what should be counter space?
Alright, enough with the explanation, let's get to the pictures!
Unfortunately, I do not have any images from the very beginning process, but that part is not nearly as interesting anyway. In the second image above, I added popsicle sticks as a support for the mattress.
These two pictures show the unfinished mattress sitting in its frame. I will add more photos of the finished mattress when I have the seat cushions done as well.